Reality tv a hoax???

Last night at work some blasphemous words were spoken about reality tv. The words were that it was fake and rigged. Heretics. I highly doubt that survivor is fake. Sure they are never going to die out there as we have seen if they are any physical danger they are air lifted out. But thats rules mate. in order for it to be fake it would be an amazing scriptwriters but i dont think that anyone is capable of such pure human instinct genius. In the last survivor when they had the 10 mile tramp through the jungle? that was fake??? I'm pretty sure it wasnt. To have grown men like those guys were they would have had to poisoned them. There is no convienience whatso ever in the way people are voted off. Its all a basic strategy, its simple. to say there is a pattern. Not true. The only pattern is logic. I can understand how people say that Jerry springer is rigged, i mean there cant be that many people with odd problems like that. Can there? anyway the new survivor starts here in new zealand on sunday and i am going to watch it.