The common mispreconception about contraception.

Hey that got your attention, You must be such perves!!!! Jokes. Anyway after that attention grabbing title I must keep it with some awe inspiring words of wisdom. Slogans like stay in school, and Don't do drugs arent really the type of slogans i want to be purveying. As most of my readers are out of school and on drugs. I dont want to appear judgemental to my friends. Aye sez! Anyway the most breaking news i have is that there was a tsunami warning in the early hours of this morning and i bet you that most of you sleepyheads didnt even know about it. This is bad. Myself being a night owl watching bbc and fox friends live knew about it straight away. I then watched to see if the people who werent nice to me and (think that they can just make it up somehow later) would later see me on my rooftop floating down macandrew rd. However this wasnt the case. The sea level around us did rise one foot. So i went down to the beach at nine thirty to see it. I didnt see this one foot rise. Low point of my day. But the good thing is that Dunedin would have beared the brunt of it. The aucklanders would have felt it. High point of my day. Its quite a random event. So new zealand maybe instead of watching the disaster after math on the six acolock news. Maybe we should watch the news as it happens. On three.
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