Children and Old People In supermarkets

Whats the freaking deal with that? Snotty faced, poo bummed children not contempt to just be idiots at home they have to go to the supermarket and be like that aswell. I for one have had a bloody guts full. I went in the other day to try and do some shopping and some little kid jumped out in front of the trolley (while being an idiot of course) plonk right on the floor. Every one looked at me like it was my fault. Like hell it was. I think that as a country we should ban children from public places. On chitty chitty bang bang they had the perfect society. They had a Kid Catcher. Their world was awesome. I propose putting david benson pope as the kid catcher. Though his methods may be unorthodox, they work. And as the tax payers we should be paying for his tennis balls and whatever other apparatus he needs.
On the other side of things old people. While shopping instead of shopping they meander along slowly. so slow in fact that any sudden movements of an overtaking nature may startle them as their mind will only register two frames of movement a second. This is like for us being stuck in a never ending strobe light. They dress their best to get a can of sauce for dinner. Now I'm sorry if this sounds anti old people but well it works. In the eskimo villages once a person reaches their use by date. they put them on an ice flow and they then float out to sea. Maybe we should consider the wise eskimos course of action. Our economy would be better for two things. National was in charge, and if old people werent bludgeoning off the old people dole. The Pension. Go national. Or we could just employ and old people catcher??????? It could work.

You're a bigger asshole than Dave!
That's a great story. Waiting for more. » »
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