Monday, March 27, 2006

Bird hypochondria.

Bird flu. We all know the name of it, and we are all meant to be scared of it. But lets face the reality of it, noones really going to be scared of it until it hits australia, and even then we will just laugh at the aussies cause they have it and we dont. Last time I checked we werent birds and even the most stuffed up evolutionist doesnt claim we came from them. We come from monkeys people! So this mutation that is supposedly going to knock off half the worlds population, will strike new zealand in the next six months? Or a year? Or maybe two? Listen New Zealand we have to look at the last few times that New Zealand has been asked to prepare for things. 1999-2000 the millenium bug. Cant remember? Its when all the computers would go haywire because the year had changed. What happened? Nothing. Next 2003 Sars. Did that reach New Zealand? No, Being the superbug it was it couldnt quite mangae to crawl its way out of the slums of asia. Where only people living in the worse conditions gotit. Maybe it wasnt the hygiene, Maybe it was those designer face masks every one started wearing. Yeah thats it. thats what stopped that pandemic. 2004 Tsunami preparation. Though tsunamis are once in a lifetime things, despite kaikoura being the only area where a tsunami is actually likely to hit, all New zealand got a warning to start putting those stores away. Yet, If my logic serves me correctly, and it normally does, then wouldnt a tsunami wash away all of our stores? Unless you live on a hill inland that is. Now bird Flu. Its seems to me that all of these big scares have only happened whill a certain helen clark is in charge. Odd, or maybe all the world leaders are like her? Maybe. Wise up New Zealand.