KT Tunstall
Kt Toadstool more like it. Her music is just another testament to the huge corporate voices behind the music. On classic hits which i abhor, but am forced to listen to at work, as it supposedly promotes productivity if there is easy listening music playing in the background. (though I think its cause the boss is soft) The amount of airtime it receives on a radio station where it has the hits of the 60s 70s 80s and today to choose from and they put her on twice an hour??? The logic behind it confounds me. But I guess that if you have enough money invested behind something anything is possible. Toadstools music reminds me of satanic rock and death metal thats how hard on my ears it is. Her look is borrowed off of ashley simpson(see photos). So obviously as is also the case with lip syncing simpson, any no talent bum can make music because music is interpreted by the listener??? I dont understand how she operates in this way. Just how they bashed nsync right off of the charts maybe thats why she gets so much airtime? Well in the words of KT Toejam "suddenly I see".

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