You know what really Grinds my Gears?

Ginger people. More so the psychotic ginger no hopers. We all know one, we have all at one point worked with one. Well, I am working with one now. Realistically these odditys of unnatural selection shouldnt be messed with. Statistics show that most arsonists are Ginger, so i wouldnt recommend pissing one off. The gore arsonist, probably got called names by the people whos house he burned down. We have to take a stand, against uncontrolled rage. I propose that we put bans on gingers owning guns or operating forklifts. Dont get me wrong, I have nothing personallyagainst gingers or "redheads". But its just the same as not letting under eighteen year olds buy alcohol, or buy cigarettes. Its for their own safety. Unite for the future!
The internet. Dont we all. But science has proven time and time again that certain traits, are related to other things. Eg stress is related to bad skin. On a newer note, those with acne are more likely to become bald. So the gene that causes arson and fascination with fire also causes mood swings, and gingerness
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