I support the war

I support the war in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan,
North Korea and wherever else we have to go to root out terrorism in the world. Many people describe the War as based on misleading information. Regardless on whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or not. You cant disagree that human rights were being violated and abused by a murderous dictator. People in Iraq were scared to even mention his name for fear of being arrested and killed by the secret police. Is the Price of freedom not worth ousting that type of evil? For me to hear of the accusations that are being held against saddam in his trial, it sickens me. To try out chemical warfare on people in his own country, should tell the world how sick this man actually is. Freedom is worth more than that. It is a long path for Iraq, to achieve true freedom, but then look at america and how long it took for their own people to achieve freedom. With the insurgency so totally against America and its ideals, It will be harder also. But i am adament that freedom will conquer all. I admire President Bush, for standing up for what he believes in. I admire america for supporting him to finish what he started in Iraq. I admire the tropps who are out in the field fighting and risking their lives everyday for Freedom. Is it wrong to believe in freedom. I dont think so. While some will disagree that war is not the way to acheive true freedom. In most instances this method must be used, for simple talking will not work. Force is an extremity but an extremity which must be feared and must be the end result of talks and negotiations. It must be a point on a sword, a sword which will be known to be used. War is no longer what it used to be. The main war In Iraq lasted for just on six weeks. Nothing compared to the bloody battles of old where wars would last for months and years. War is smart, while innocent people may be killed, It should be our hope that their sacrifice is not in vain. Freedom is the end result and life may be the price. But freedom lasts, and those lifes know the risks. Freedom is the jist of The Iraq war. Its ideal is right, its motives are right, and thats why I think the US is right.
If one country threatened to wipe another country off the map, and you were next door, would you just not do something about it. When a country like Israel, is being threatened by a country that is just starting uranium enrichment. Shouldnt we as the world, do something that will prevent a nuclear holocaust of one of the oldest known nations? Or in fact any nation? I think and strongly feel that to oust this government which is so bent on death and destruction that its willing to put its country in the situation where it will get essentially wasted, can only be benifical to the people of Iran. Hitler was greatly loved by his people, was voted in democratically, and look at what he did. If noone had have stepped in to rescue Europe where would we be now as a human race. I am to say that everyone would be of german descent.We as people are all guilty of falling into propaganda at one point in our lives. It takes an outside and impartial infuence to look in at the situation and assess it. At the end of the day, Pesident bush didnt just wake up one morning and say "hey lets go to war in the middle east". Decisions like that arent made lightly, no matter what you think. Thought would have had to have gone into the decision. I trust his decision. He didnt become the most politically powerful man in the world for no reason. He has a sound head on his shoulders. I trust that man with my freedom. I would drop what i am doing now and fight for him, if he asked. Freedom is what drives me. Freedom should be what drives you. Its okay to be scared about war, But freedom is bravery, Freedom is the ultimate human right.

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