The price of milk.
You know what really grinds my gears. Is the price of milk and other dairy based products. It seems that the decreasing confidence in the new zealand economy, has resulted in higher milk prices. Does it seem odd to you that as the confidence goes down, the price goes up. I am highly disappointed in the total lack of market control shown by the leaders of the dairy industry. Will one man not stand up and end this money driven endeavour, I will be that man i will stand up and be the consumer that fights the establishment. Because someone must why shouldnt that be me. Will it be you? Will you be the "One"? Do you know the risks associated with turning against fonterra? I knew one man that tried once. Do you know why milk is white? Milk comes out a yellowy white from the cow, but with the right mix of bleached human bones it becomes the white that we know as milk. His name was richard.
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