Bring back Bill!

Bring back Bill english as the leader of the nats. As Don "dinosaur" Brash has been in charge sure we have seen a surge in the polls. But only because Don is the Bad boy of politics. With his Exclusive brethren plot to rule the world? ( a scam cooked up by labour, which worked against them giving the nats extended publicity), and his one nation Orewa speeches, rocking the Labour government. Surely old Bill wouldn't have bee cooked up in such scandal? Only because Bill is a mans Man. A farmer from the south island. You dont get more manlier than that. Men play by rules. Though Sice Helen, And Dino arent exactly sure of where they fit in, Bill seems the more likely choice for Prime minister. I would even prefer that Gerry Brownlee,

Well, so be it. every party may have its advantages but by far nationals advantages heavily outweigh any sort of benefits that labour could offer. Labour have been national whipped. why is it that in the last election labour changed its policies to the same as the nats? Do we really want that imminent recession. Funny how labour kept that under wraps until after the election? Hilarious. At the end of the day, seeming I did not support Don Brashs' coo. I voted Jim anderton Progressive. A vote is never wasted when you vote jim anderton.
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