Christchurch, New Zealands Most racist city.

Could it be true?? Well isnt it freaking obvious. I went there and the national front were racist to be and i'm whiter than most of them. I really dont know how that works, but on Campbell live (possibly the best current affairs show on tv) he challenged the mayor on what was being done to make the place better. The Mayor Garry Moore decided to start a new incentive. He took a non racist couple and introduced them to an immigrant couple. I'm so glad that all the racism will be gone because non racist people are talking to other races. Surely National front will take notice and realise that thats the way to live. Good work Old Gaz for solving the worlds Racism problem. Whats next on his agenda? World peace, Making poverty history. With the amount of iniative this guy has the world is his oyster. Maybe we should elect him as the next prime minister of our country? surely Helen Clark is on the way out? Next time I see him I might yell out some racial taunts at him, Get invited out for dinner? Hey thanks the Christchurch rate payer. Its good to know that what the canterbury rate payer pays for, they get their moneys worth. This Guy is an idiot. How bout a few changes in policy so everyone has to actually do it? Hey national front look out, gazza is gonna get you with condiments.
Mate, Mate , Mate.
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