Manefestatation of egg.

What came first the chicken or the egg? Because first we have to look at both sides of the argument. The chicken would have had to come first in order to lay the egg. But in order to have the chicken we would have had to have an egg first, because chickens come from eggs. Makes sense? Well there are two sides to this. The first is the Creationists side of things, which is pretty straight forward. The Chicken came first, because thats how the higher power made it and if you think otherwise you are wrong. Pretty simple. The evolutionists will argue, that the egg came first and it was laid in fact by another creature and due to a genetic mutation in the 3rd chromosome which gave this animal a competive edge in the niche it was occupying, it was able to go on and eventually the chicken bred and bred until it was the chicken. This happened over a period of a thousand years and if you think otherwise you are wrong.
Joshtoria-answering the big Questions
who cares... they are both yummy.
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