Wednesday, April 26, 2006

For Us unto It Imparts

I just recently did a test on the internet one of those silly are you a frog or a fish type tests except this one struck my interest, after seeing on charlottes blog, i thought hey i might be a republican. and well, did my guesstimate prove right.

You are a

Social Conservative
(25% permissive)

and an...

Economic Conservative
(78% permissive)

You are best described as a:

Strong Republican

Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test


Blogger Sez said...

gosh, I cant be left out of all of the fun!
Heres my results!!

You are a

Social Liberal
(60% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(11% permissive)

You are best described as a:


You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.

3:01 am  
Blogger Sez said...

gosh, I cant be left out of all of the fun!
Heres my results!!

You are a

Social Liberal
(60% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(11% permissive)

You are best described as a:


You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.

3:01 am  

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